Stop Grinding Teeth

You can stop grinding teeth by using night guard, managing stress, eating the right food, and learning how to relax.

It is very important to consult your dentist right away once symptoms of bruxism or teeth grinding appear to stop grinding teeth. Adults should not think twice of approaching his or her dentist to address the problem before any other problems develop. Dentists are considered to be the primary line of experts when dealing with bruxism since they can precisely confirm whether you are into teeth grinding or not and prescribe measures or cure to stop grinding teeth.

Teeth grinding cures which are based on the primary cause of the habit are prescribed once the dentist has confirmed that you suffer from bruxism. The dentist, upon confirmation that your teeth grinding actions are a direct cause of stress, might suggest that you see a psychiatrist who would subject you to a behavioral therapy to correct the teeth grinding habit and stop grinding teeth.

The dentist will provide you a customized mouth night guard that serves as a protector for tooth and enamel when he finds out that your bruxism is due to the alignment or misalignment of the teeth itself. And when other disorders or sever complications such as jaw problems are detected, the dentist can refer you to a doctor to cure these additional problems. The dentist can then perform the regular procedure for stopping teeth grinding after all the complications have been eliminated.

Some tips to stop teeth grinding are existent and are very effective to avoid spending thousands of dollars in dental repair. One way to reduce teeth grinding is to manage stress which is a main cause of bruxism. Proactive measures such as exercise can be used to deal with the usual stressors. A weekly massage, meditation, journaling and a commitment to adopt stress reducing strategies everyday may also help a lot.

Wearing a nightguard when sleeping can stop grinding teeth as well as alleviate accompanying aches and pains while preventing tooth damage.The use of a customized dental guard may be intimidating but it is effective in relaxing the muscles of the jaw while checking the effects of bruxism.

Eating and drinking right before bedtime is not suggested since these may aggravate bruxism in some people. Relaxation of the jaw throughout the day as well as making a habit out of facial relaxation is also an effective therapy to stop grinding teeth. The intensity or frequency of bruxing can also be reduced when relaxing before going to bed or when performing certain relaxation exercises before sleeping. One should also loosen his or her mind and body by having a long bath or doing light yoga before going to sleep. Do not watch TV before falling asleep.

Teeth grinding may also be considered a side effect of some medications. A person suffering from bruxism and taking herbal medicines, minerals, vitamins as well as prescribed drugs at the same time should talk to his or her doctor regarding the use of these medicines and verify if these medicines contribute to bruxing.

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